Due Process - If something is not right

YGIC is set on the principles of fundamental rights and due process for ALL. Think every time what you could have done wrong before you complain about others. When you are asked a question, answer the question. Do not ask a question back. Our culture unequivocally gives equal rights to all forms of life. God is everywhere. Compassion reigns supreme and process will lead the way. Volunteers are here to serve; they are Gurus and deserve to be treated respectfully. YGIC’s Foremost Agenda is Children's Education. The below strategies will help everyone and YGIC sort out things calmly and easily. In the process if one violates a cardinal rule CR, the violation will have precedence over complaint. Leave the EGO outside the building. Bring empathy and compassion inside.

Cardinal rule violations

1.      Rudeness - CR1 violation.

2.      Discussing personal aspects of members and their family members - CR1 violation.

3.      Threatening persons – CR1, CR2, CR3, and CR4 violations.

4.      Campaigning through social media or by writing emails to multiple people vituperatively about YGIC members will be considered CR2 and CR4 violations. At this point, YGIC cannot respond via phone or email.

Five Step Due Process

Any concern, complaint, problem, or issue that any member of the YGIC community wishes to address should be presented through the following five-step escalation process.

a.       First, if applicable, to the teacher.

b.      Second, to the relevant administrator.

c.       Third, to the Operations Committee or a committee designated.

d.      Fourth, The Board of Directors

e.       Fifth, through an arbitration process to be agreed to among the parties to the dispute.


Be the change you want to see- Gandhi
   Be rest assured this place is designed for balance. We have done this for 20 years. You follow the due process and everything will be FINE. You belong to this place as much as any one else. We want all of you to feel this is your home. We want you to feel elated and completely at peace when you walk into this place. The key is respecting every one, giving a chance to others and hearing the other side of the story.

We all have a urge one day,  wake up and get into a bad mood, and we want to redesign the whole process "MY WAY". After that angry email, IM or tweet you don't have to fix the issue. You will go your way, thinking you taught a lesson. What that means is you have never volunteered.   You will have caused a damage to the institution. As much as you think you are right, YOU ARE WRONG. This country is built on the laws and due process. We believe in that 100%. Please help us make this place a better place for all by behaving at your best. After all we are teaching the children how to go into the world to be a good citizen, role model and a  leader. One minute of empathy will take the cause a long way. Anybody can break. Building is tough and a long road. Be a builder. You can be a builder by just being compassionate, empathetic, smiling and saying a word of thanks, EVERY DAY, EVERY TIME you see some one. That is all it takes to satisfy a volunteer at this place.

These are the founding principles of YGIC on how to run an organization smoothly.

